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Personal Purpose DBA Healthcare Administration

Updated: Jun 12

I hope very much to be accepted to and complete the Doctor of Business Administration Degree (DBA) at XXXX University with a focus on Healthcare Management as the crowning achievement in my formal education. I completed my MBA online and I am thus quite familiar and comfortable with online graduate study. My strongest asset, however, is the practical education that I have acquired because of my long and distinguished record of accomplishment as a hospital administrator. The business aspects of hospital management are what I know best, and this is the primary reason I hope to be accepted to XXXX University, since this is also your central focus. I want to pursue my education online so that I can immediately put what I am learning to effective use in the management of the hospital where I serve. Since April of 2017, I have been the CEO of XXXX Hospital in Maldives. Prior to beginning this position, I spent for 4 years as the CEO of XXXX General Hospital in Papua New Guinea.

Personal Statement  DBA Healthcare
Personal Statement of Purpose DBA Healthcare Administration

I do NOT see myself as a public health professional; rather, I am a hospital administrator. My clear recognition of the difference provides me with focus and the capacity to find creative solutions to issues in healthcare management at the administrative level. While I do operate programs that cross over into primary and public healthcare, because of completing your DBA Program at XXXX, I hope to contribute to increases in the administrative efficiency and the development of better controls and strategies to rein in the costs of management of secondary and tertiary healthcare facilities. With our aging global population, there is increasing demand for hospital care; and we need to be able to do more with less.

At12, I was planning to go into Actuarial Studies, because I excelled in and enjoyed Math, but I also loved animals and thought I could be a great veterinarian. Math was always relatively easy for me; and I also enjoyed my studies of Law and Economics. While I liked the idea of helping animals, I could not bear to see them in pain, and Vet Science fell off my map for the future after a better investigation of this field. My interest in Math, Law, and Economics led me to study business and that has been my principal focus ever since. I completed two business orientated degrees, the Bachelor of Business (Dual Majors in Accounting and Law) and a Master of Business Administration (Strategic Management). My MBA was completed via Distance Learning (Charles Sturt University - Australia) so I am used to the self-discipline required to earn a degree online, undertake readings, research etc.

Personal Statement  DBA Healthcare
Personal Statement of Purpose DBA Healthcare Administration

I waited a long time before going to graduate school because I wanted to make sure that I had chosen the right industry and career before embarking on a course of study that would involve many years of my life. I began in hospitality and 8 years later moved into healthcare where I remain today.  Thus, I have been working in people-orientated industries for more than 2 decades; and I have now been in healthcare for over a decade-and-a-half in seven countries (Australia, Bangladesh, India, Mauritius, UAE, Papua New Guinea, and Maldives). All these countries, except for Australia and the UAE, have been emerging/developing nations where strategic planning, and human resource development systems and standards are especially challenging.

Being Australian, the affordability and quality of health care that my family and I receive is something that I have always taken for granted, as every person should have the right to the highest standard of physical and mental health. It is my goal to make a significant contribution to the health of citizens in my community through effective management, clinical operations, and delivery of health care services.

Personal Statement  DBA Healthcare
Personal Statement of Purpose DBA Healthcare Administration

I love environments that allow me to ensure that there is a place for everything and everything is in its place. The ability to build systems, with follow-up mechanisms to ensure accountability is something to which I have always given my all and will continue to perfect every day that I shall live, thinking as creatively as possible, both inside and outside the box at the same time. Assessing local HR capabilities and resources is my special passion. All my healthcare roles have required considerable evidence-based planning for conception and implementation. I have labored to gain Joint Commission Accreditation in Bangladesh, India, and the UAE, for example, building quality healthcare systems.

In Papua New Guinea we were faced with a severe lack of blood available for surgery – there is no culture of pro-active donation, no education on the benefits of donation (to either the donor of recipient {although the latter is a little more self-evident}). We launched two major programs – Corporate Health Drive (tag line “we don’t need your money; we need your blood”) and the Youth Blood Drive (Spread the Red ). My work experience and academic background to date has enabled me to be successful in managing the integration of new health care delivery systems, technological innovations, and restructuring of work forces and budgets

XXXX University’s Doctor of Business Administration, 100% online program offers precisely what I need, advanced training in professional management, human resources, marketing, and other business-related fields related to hospital management. I appreciate very much the way that your DBA Program is comprised of specialized courses that supply the values, knowledge, and skills needed to advance one’s career and prepare oneself to go on to greater leadership roles in the administration of healthcare at the business level.

I am a determined servant and a leader who gives my all to the organization or institution that I serve. A pragmatic realist with focus, I am most of all a finisher.  I don’t start what I don’t intend to finish. Relying more on logic than sentiment, while I am knowledgeable and conversant about preventive medicine and public health ideals, I never lose sight of the real world, especially the ‘business’ of hospital management in the face of limited resources.

Personal Purpose DBA Healthcare Administration


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