by Dr. Robert Edinger
Helping Applicants Since 1995
Personal Purpose Statement Writing & Editing Service
Standard Statement Service
Premium Statement Service
Letter of Recommendation Service
CV/Resume Editing
24 Hour Turnaround Time
I invite you to fill out my Interview Form at this link. Even if you have a draft, the information on the interview form is often helpful and serves as the basis for me to make creative improvements to the statement. I spend more time with the statement for my premium service customers at US$299.00; this is especially true when it comes to making major contributions to creative ideas. My standard service at US$199.00 is for clients who already have a well-developed draft that they need to have tweaked. My premium service is for those clients who want my ultimate effort and further revision after making changes.
All samples publshed on this website are anonymous and at least two years old.
Standard Statement Service
Personal Statement of Purpose Editing and Enhancement by Dr. Robert Edinger
Standard Service: US$199.00, 2 Hours Labor, Up to 1000 Words
Please Note that my Standard Service is only for those clients that send me a complete draft representing their best effort. I greatly improve my Standard Service clients' text; I do not invent it. If you want my full creative contribution, you must pay for my Premium Service!
2 hours is generally sufficient for me to improve your statement and very much enhance the likelihood of your application being accepted. If the statement that you want is more than 1000 words (1500 words is the limit for my Standard Service), however, and/or has large sections that need to be completely re-written, I urge you to consider my VIP service at US$299.00, so that I can take a full 3 hours with your document instead of just 2.
Please also note that my Standard Service includes only 1 final revision, here you have the opportunity to make changes that you think are called for to the Statement and resubmit it for a final revision at no extra charge. My VIP /Rush Service includes up to several revisions.
For my Standard Service, I will need up to 48 hours to complete your payment (24 with my VIP/Rush Service), from the time that I have your payment and the information necessary to complete your statement.
Any major credit or debit card accepted through
Two Hours Professional Statement Editing & Enhancement:
You deal directly with me and I answer all of your questions completely free of charge. Please note that I attend to my clients in the order in which I have received their payments. If you are in a hurry to meet a deadline, I ask you to make your payment as soon as possible.
CV or Resume Editing and Enhancement: US$149.00
(for Clients that have already purchased my Statement Service)
CV or Resume Editing and Enhancement: US$249.00
(for Clients that have not already purchased my Statement Service)
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