My most significant role model so far in life has been my grandfather. He was my main inspiration for studying, learning, and working hard so that someday I might accomplish important things with my life. At only twenty-four, I am a strong candidate for XXXX’s Administrative Fellowship Program because of my accomplishments as both a student and a professional. In addition to working towards completion of my master's degree in health administration, I have now also completed more than one year of professional experience as a Health System Supervisor with XXXX’s Dermatology Department.

I have always seen my grandfather as a model American citizen because of his lengthy service to Johnson & Johnson as a Quality Improvement Officer. During WWII, he was part of the team that brought us not only the modern-day diaper but also the catheter. I can only hope I can touch as many lives as he has throughout the course of my own career in health care management. Your fellowship would enable me to obtain the innovative skills that I need to contribute to the difficult tasks at hand in the reformation of our health care structures and systems. I find no discussion as exciting as health care overhaul and the battle in America for control over and development of health care structures. If I am accepted to your distinguished fellowship program, I will have state-of-the-art exposure to all the most exciting trends and developments in the overall management of healthcare organizations, new models, ventures, and visions.

The CEO of XXXX, Dr. XXXX is someone that I admire tremendously. I will never forget the very first management meeting I was invited to attend during my internship with XXXX. To conclude the meeting, the CEO called us to the cause of “Healing humankind one patient a time…through the improvement of healthcare organization.” His words hit home with me and have resonated in my mind ever since as I continue to increasingly give my all to my professional development. Dr. XXXX’s vision sums up my motivations for pursuing a career in the healthcare field. As a mere intern, a fly on the wall for such a large organization, his words made me feel as though my role made a difference in what the organization was trying to accomplish. He made me feel as though I was a vital part of something much larger than just being an intern.

My ideal job entails a high degree of responsibility in the service of a hospital/healthcare organization where I can help to make significant improvements in patient outcomes. I particularly look forward to working closely with other highly trained professionals in the never-ending quest for better clinical results. Like my grandfather, I have a profound passion for Quality Management. I want to be in a position where I can better the lives of patients through the increasingly streamlined administration of their care. I am certain that my professional ideals will evolve in creative directions, especially if I am accepted to your program.
I have been deeply engaged with sports my entire life and enjoyed bringing my game to the college level; I feel much the same way about administration. XXXX is doing wonders for my game already, and being selected to your fellowship program would provide the final impetus for me to become the most creative and health care administrator possible.
Thank you for considering my application.
Fellowship Health Administration Personal Purpose