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MSED Education Personal Purpose Statement Expert Help

Updated: Aug 27, 2024

Professional Personal Statement of Purpose Editing and Writing Service Examples
MSED, Master's Education, Culture, and Society Personal Statement

I hope to be selected to earn the MSED in Education, Culture, and Society at the University of XXXX, mainly because I appreciate the focus of the program on culture and the importance of its incorporation into educational initiatives. I also see your master's program as ideal for realizing my current professional aspirations as a teacher and as the optimal preparation for going on to doctoral study at some point in the not-too-distant future.

I am a Vietnamese woman who has passionate dreams about earning my master's degree in America, which would do wonders for my career here in our humble country with a long history of involvement with the USA. I salute the warm relations that began during the Clinton years, and I am pleased to see them continue under the administration of President Trump. I love teaching, engaging in intellectual conversations, and the freedom of having a flexible work schedule. After completing your program at the University of XXXX, I envision myself returning to the university setting in Vietnam and serving as a lecturer, giving the balance of my career to teaching at the university level. I hope to teach in our Division of Country Studies (DCS) at Hanoi's University of Languages and International Studies (ULIS). I have experience researching and teaching at one of my country's flagship universities. After earning my master's at the University of XXXX, I aspire to teach at the lecturer level.

Professional Personal Statement of Purpose Editing and Writing Service Examples
MSED, Master's Education Personal Statement Enhancement, Editing Service

I am devoted to teaching so that I can improve the lives of future generations. Most instructors in the English language in Hanoi have a background in TESOL/Linguistics. Thus, I am convinced that graduating from your unique MSED Program in Education, Culture, and Society at the University of XXXX would provide me with training that complements cultural studies and the human educational resources that already exist in my country, maximizing my contribution to diversity and interdisciplinary training in the language arts. The educational institution at which I hope to teach, the DCS, offers classes in cultural studies and critical media literacy with a focus on theoretical perspectives. Students, therefore, are invited to engage with the broader social, cultural, and historical contexts in which their interests are focused. I appreciate culturally sensitive approaches to education because they help concentrate critical understanding of the subject(s) being studied, particularly in International Relations.

Ever since Vietnam joined the process of globalization, our educational system has been rightfully examined critically, especially compared to neoliberal perspectives that portray the educational experience as a commodity that is bought and sold. Nevertheless, even when education is seen as a not-for-profit instrument for achieving social equity, that equity tends to be undermined by economic realities, especially as far as capitalism has become the norm in Vietnam to a considerable extent. Teachers become subjects to be constantly assessed; students become customers—privatization results in more privately-owned educational resources with the rise of international schools and universities. More choices are available for students, although only a small number can afford such an education.

Professional Personal Statement of Purpose Editing and Writing Service Examples
MSED, Master's Education, Culture, and Society Statement of Purpose Examples

I fear that the globalization of education in Vietnam will exacerbate social inequality and diminish respect for teachers, who are already underpaid and overworked. To this end, educators in Vietnam need to be in touch with and constantly challenge their definition of what being a teacher means in times of changing economic circumstances and political realities. I seek to understand better how a teacher’s identity results from cultural construction. In this way, teachers can be encouraged to reflect on their professional experience and navigate increasingly effective ways to enhance student learning. For administrators and stakeholders, a nuanced understanding of teacher identity as a cultural construction would help balance quality assurance with respect for teachers’ dignity and creative freedom.

Thank you for considering my application to Education at UXXX.

MSED Education Personal Purpose Statement Expert Help


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