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Master’s in Public Health Personal Purpose Statement

Updated: Jun 11, 2024

I am a woman of African heritage, born and raised in Nigeria and now living in the UK. I hold the degree of DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) awarded by the University of Ibadan in 2005. I also hold a Diploma in IT Project Management awarded by Greenwich School of Management in 2009.

Master’s in Public Health Personal  Statement
Master’s in Public Health Personal Purpose Statement

I was raised in poor circumstances in Nigeria but, through a highly disciplined and determined approach, I took advantage of all the opportunities available to me, which culminated in the award of a degree from Nigeria’s most prestigious seat of learning. I am extremely proud to be the first graduate in my family, indeed in my neighborhood. I excelled within my veterinary studies and am confident that I will do so again on the MPH course.

I have been exposed to the unfortunate results arising from a loose and poorly enforced legislative regime in the matter of public health regulation in Africa. It has become my fervent ambition to make a difference in the world in this area of Endeavor. I hope to be involved in the framing and the enforcement of effective public health legislation on a worldwide basis but especially in the less economically developed countries of the world. I also seek to assist in the development and implementation of new methods to promote and maintain public health that are economically grounded, culturally feasible and realistic. These are my main goals and reasons for applying for this specific MPH course.

Master’s in Public Health Personal  Statement
Master’s in Public Health Personal Purpose Statement

There also still exists a need for women, especially of African and Asian origin, to be seen to hold senior positions in an international setting and especially in areas concerning health and welfare. I also hope to be seen as an example to those, like me, from an underprivileged background to demonstrate what achievements are possible to those who work hard and take advantage of all the opportunities available to them. Ultimately, I hope to be employed in a public health capacity by the World Health Organization to help humanity on a worldwide basis with a particular interest in dealing with pandemic threats and assisting in programs to increase food production. I have been inspired to enter this field by the example of Martin Kaplan, an American veterinarian, who became first director in Public Health at the WHO.

My degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree enables me to practice as a veterinarian in Nigeria and several other African countries but not in the UK. I am aware that veterinary courses in the UK are extremely competitive and had decided anyway not to seek to undertake additional veterinarian studies here to enable me to practice. It was also the case that my interest in animal medicine had waned somewhat following some training and experience in human nursing and social work in the UK. I decided that my life should be devoted to human health and welfare, following these experiences.

Master’s in Public Health Personal  Statement
Master’s in Public Health Personal Purpose Statement

It is now my hope to transfer the significant and relevant knowledge gained in my veterinarian studies to date to a discipline involving human health and welfare. I studied Veterinary Public Health as a sub-course in my degree programmed, these courses also included studies and research in the areas of disease control, epidemiology, environmental health, behavioral health and biostatistics, all this knowledge is immediately transferable to the MPH course.

I have carefully considered the content of relevant courses and conclude that the master's degree in public health at XXU is an ideal ‘fit’ for my purposes and goals.

The program holds special attraction for me because of its strong emphasis on the prevention of disease, which is my main area of interest. It is also my preference to study in the heart of London and thus be enabled to socialize and interact with students, of many disciplines, from as wide a variety of backgrounds and interests as possible. I am also drawn by the fact that visiting lecturers, from a variety of public health roles, provide current and real-life information in their respective specialties.

It would be my hope to be enabled to undertake research in the areas of animal contagion, nutrition and epidemiology during the course. I already have significant knowledge in these areas, gained in my earlier degree studies and research.

I am happy to work and study with people of all ethnic backgrounds and nationalities. I have, to date, worked and socialized with people from a variety of ethnicities, nationalities and social backgrounds. It would be my intention to share my own interesting and relevant academic and life experiences with class members and demonstrate my own interest in their own. This will provide excellent preparation for a future position with the WHO.

In addition to my professional experience, I have undertaken several different volunteer activities including taking care of the elderly and mentoring young people in matters of career choice and their general welfare. These have been extremely rewarding experiences and have strengthened my determination to be involved in the welfare of humanity as a lifetime career choice. It would be my hope to involve myself in volunteer activities within college societies as far as the demands of my studies will permit especially activities involved in helping young people.

I am aware that the program will attract many well-qualified applicants. However, I feel sure that my relevant background in veterinary science and my personal qualities of diligence, commitment and determination, demonstrated fully in my academic successes to date, will enable me to make a significant contribution to the academic community at your prestigious university and ultimately to be of service to humanity.

Master’s in Public Health Personal Purpose Statement


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