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LLM Degree Business Law Banking & Finance Statement

LLM Degree Business Law Banking & Finance Personal Statement Writing Service
LLM Degree Business Law Banking & Finance Personal Statement

It is important for business to be regulated in such a way that people are encouraged to participate in the knowledge that any benefits will be distributed in as equitable a manner as possible. I am thus motivated by the sense that the market is an important mechanism that obliges people to come together and learn how to negotiate and further their common interests. In my way of thinking, the generation of wealth can be the driver of progress that will lift people out of poverty, so long as it works hand in glove with the law, to ensure all parties concerned abide by honorable contractual agreements. I have a dream that we will all someday live in a truly cosmopolitan world, where commercial law will be the key to bringing countries together through the promotion of a progressive version of globalization.

I also know that reform is necessary because of my life's journey: I was born and raised in Milan, Italy, and have sadly become familiar with the all-too-common scenario where nepotism rather than talent is rewarded. I am the first in my family to recognize that this is a problem that afflicts all of Italy. All too often, I have seen cases where family ties have secured preferential treatment, but I am not alone in drawing attention to this problem. Entire newspaper columns have commonly lamented this fact as well, which they see as the cause of brain drain, leading to the loss of many talented young Italians. 

LLM Degree Business Law Banking & Finance Editing Service
LLM Degree Business Law Banking & Finance

Although I am saddened by this widespread nepotism, experience has also taught me that another world is possible. If I am selected for your program, I intend to use the intensive training and knowledge to "think globally, and act locally", by establishing my own legal practice in Italy and pushing for reforms in the regulation of business. I have already had an opportunity to demonstrate my aptitude for law by earning a J.D. from the University of XXXX. My dissertation on "Non-pecuniary Damage" was awarded a score of 108/110.

Following my successful completion of the Italian Bar Exam course at the University of XXXX, I have accumulated three years of practical experience at Studio Legale under the mentorship of XXXX. Acting in this capacity, I have helped negotiate out-of-court settlements between insolvent companies, distressed creditors, and administrators. This experience has allowed me to witness the human side of financial irregularities—as did my previous voluntary work as a family counselor--and served to reinforce my commitment to the idea that commercial law is an instrument of global justice. Indeed, I have been fortunate to exercise a lot of personal initiative regarding mediation between the respective parties of arbitration proceedings in an international context. In addition to conducting extensive research and preparing tons of legal memoranda relating to corporate regulatory compliance, I have drafted several appeals to the Supreme Court and assisted with tax litigation.

Because I regard law as my vocation, rather than a mere profession, I have sought to demonstrate my ethical commitment to collegiality through my membership of the European Law Students' Association. I was a featured speaker at the annual conference of the ELSA in 2009 and 2010. I am particularly interested in helping to extend affiliation between this body and their American equivalents, so I look forward with keen anticipation to using my studies at XXXX University as a base to network and further consolidate cultural exchange and understanding between present and future legal practitioners. My inclusive, consultative style in all my interpersonal dealings makes me confident that I would be successful at adapting to change as required and contributing to the greater interest of the academic community in whatever way I can throughout the course of my studies.

Sample Personal Statement LLM Degree Business Law Banking & Finance
Personal Statement Examples LLM Degree Business Law Banking & Finance

By earning the LL.M in Banking and Finance I know I will be better equipped to help implement transparency, security, and stability in the world of finance. I believe that each of us stands to benefit, rather than allowing investment banking to be governed by the speculations of a few influential individuals alone.

Thank you for considering my application.   

LLM Degree Business Law Banking & Finance Statement


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