Born in England and raised in Brazil, I am a multicultural and multilingual Brazilian woman with a great passion for social justice. Before I immigrated to the USA and made Miami my home, I became an attorney with special training in Labor Law and Human Rights in Brazil. I also acquired both volunteer and research experience in Labor Law. Now a US citizen, I am entering my final year of study t the LLM Degree at the University of XXXX and have been working as a paralegal for the past several years. In addition to my native Portuguese, I am fluent in Spanish and could not feel more at home in XXXX, mainly because my four-year-old son is Cuban. For this reason, especially considering its sheer excellence, the University of XXXX is my first choice to continue my studies toward the JD Degree required by the State of Florida to sit for the Bar. Increasingly, as my career in Law progresses, I want to think and act increasingly on an international level, and the respect commanded worldwide by the University of XXXX Law School is best suited for realizing my lofty ambitions.

I look forward to laboring at the service of non-profit organizations dedicated to the furthering of humanitarian causes that I embrace. For some time now, I have seen immigration law and civil/human rights cases as the center of my career interests. It would be a special honor to give my all to an organization dedicated to helping immigrant victims from war zones find asylum in a safe place where they would have an opportunity to rebuild their lives. Most recently, I have been engaging in my spare time with environmental law. I look forward to in-depth study in this area as a student in your JD Program at XXXX University.

Engaging on a variety of volunteer levels with non-profits whose work has interested me, I found one organization to be incredibly inspiring: Women for Women International, working with women who are victims of war and other marginalized, victimized, and exploited women, most mothers with children. I have found it quite disturbing to watch small children imprisoned in wire cages along our southern border, many thousands separated from their parents and hundreds lost.
I am especially keen to begin my study of Environmental Law at the University of XXXX because I just watched nearly one-third of South America’s rainforest burn with little to nothing being done about it. As the major US city most vulnerable to climate change, Miami has much to lose due to greed and irresponsibility in Brazil. This gives me hope that I might be able to make significant contributions to Environmental Law and Human Rights, particularly by exploring the intimate ways in which they are intertwined.
Thank you for considering my application to the JD Program at the University of XXXX.
JD Labor Law and Human Rights Personal Statement