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JD Law, Juris Doctor, Immigration and Public Interest

Updated: May 3, 2024

Professional Personal Statement of Purpose Editing and Writing Service Examples
Personal Statement JD Law, Juris Doctor, Immigration & Public Interest

XXXX School of Law is my first choice among Juris Doctor programs for distinct reasons, especially my admiration of your integral focus on uplifting and protecting the least fortunate among us. This is especially true given my interests in the areas of Immigration and Public Interest Law. I see XXXX as the top choice in NYC.

Immigration themes had radiated throughout my life, growing up with a mother from Honduras and an American Mormon father who made sure that I came to an adequate understanding of the early Mormon days when we, too, were migrants in the American West. Both parents taught me to be compassionate, cultivating a sense of civic responsibility that is rooted in the experience of immigration. Half Honduran, and a native speaker of Spanish, I want to put my identity and language skills to work on behalf of Spanish-speaking immigrant populations. I feel this calling, in part, because of the great need that exists in this area. I am drawn to this field of study because of the controversy surrounding immigration to America, particularly concerning our southern border. I look forward to full participation in the furious fray of passionate arguments surrounding the issue.

Throughout my graduate and professional studies thus far, I have consistently focused on issues related to immigration law, with particular attention to the rights of undocumented immigrants. XXXX is the ideal location to earn my JD Degree so that I can take full advantage of the presence of the XXXX School of Law's Immigrant and Non-Citizen Rights Clinic (INRC) and participate in the Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility (CLEAR) Program. Most specifically, I hope to make essential contributions in the future to explore pressing social justice issues related to the relationship between law and technology: equity and inclusion, privacy, free speech, electronic voting, and consumer rights.

Professional Personal Statement of Purpose Editing and Writing Service Examples
Personal Statement JD Law School, Immigration and Public Interest

I am incredibly excited about the prospect of studying under Professor XXXX at the XXXX School of Law, particularly his course on Technology and Law. I daydream about helping to create and participate in public interest technology law clinics, exploring and developing emergent technologies in such a way as to harness them to the advancement of underrepresented groups. My experiences as a presenter, volunteer, student, teacher, and leader have provided me with the drive, curiosity, and dedication necessary to distinguish myself in a rigorous program such as the XXXX School of Law. Currently earning a certificate in Immigration Law, I have enjoyed learning to analyze immigration issues and assess legal status and options. My experiences have confirmed my longstanding belief in the importance of public service to the vulnerable members of one’s society. I seek to become an empathetic, socially aware champion through the dogged pursuit of a career in Immigration and Public Interest Law.

Growing up in a household filled with stories of my mother's childhood in Honduras, many if not most stories of hardship, I could not escape the contrast to my own life. I will never forget the look in my mother’s eyes as she explained several times how it was a luxury to feed a pet as she grew up in Honduras. I always felt grateful for the stack of baleadas on the dinner table, with a 2-foot white statue of Jesus Christ watching from the corner of the room.

On my father’s side, my identity was grounded in the Rocky Mountains, where I grew up, close to God, in Utah. I thrived on stories of the Mormon community and history, tales of immigration, poverty, hardship, oppression, and violence. Complicated stories of love of country mixed with tragedy and triumph have always surrounded me. My Mormon origins help me better understand the complexity of diversity and adversity, justice and injustice, and the importance of service within my community.

Professional Personal Statement of Purpose Editing and Writing Service Examples
Personal Statement JD Law, Juris Doctor, Immigration and Public Interest

As an undergraduate majoring in International Studies, I was thrilled to explore a variety of new cultures and their religions and learn to think comparatively, as a social scientist, to better understand the world around me as a product of human history. I have supported myself throughout my education by working in IT, for Apple. I parted ways with Apple looking to, in the words of the late great Steve Jobs, find my way to "ding the universe." I plan to use what I have learned in IT, especially artificial intelligence, to help immigrants learn about their legal issues and how to resolve them best, educate them about their rights, and work towards overcoming their legal challenges. I have volunteered at many advocacy and support organizations dedicated to everything from equal access and high-quality education to bail reform. However, I feel I have come home professionally at XXXX Citizenship Now! a citizenship immigration law service.

As an application assistant, I sit with legal permanent residents and aid them in filling out their applications for naturalization. We talk about their lives, and I listen to their stories. When they are hesitant to open up to a stranger, I mention that I am the son of an immigrant and that my mother is Honduran. Without fail, they look at me in disbelief that this white, six-foot, blonde, blue-eyed man has a Honduran mother. I show them a family picture, and they always smile. The only thing missing is a stack of baleadas.

Thank you for considering my application to XXXX Law.


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