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PHD Public Health Nutrition Personal Purpose Statement

PHD Public Health Nutrition Personal Purpose Statement

A young woman from Saudi Arabia who now lives in Ohio, I am deeply passionate about nutrition and preventative medicine. A very serious student and hard worker, I live primarily to perform professional service to others by helping people to better understand the importance and implementation of healthy dietetic regimens. Currently finishing up my MS degree in Public Health Nutrition at ____ University, I very much look forward to continuing my study in Health Education at the doctoral level. Throughout my own education, I have become increasingly devoted to the field of education itself, and I now wish to turn my exclusive attention to education, harnessing my understanding of the natural and social sciences to the end of health promotion through health education.

PHD Public Health Nutrition Personal  Statement
PHD Public Health Nutrition Personal Purpose Statement

I have become quite comfortable here in Ohio and deeply admire your educational system. This is one of the principle reasons why my first choice for graduate study is the Doctor of Education Program ____ University. Keenly looking forward to utilizing what I will learn in your education program to further my long term professional goal of becoming a professional educator or educational administrator in the area of health promotion, I am convinced that your

program is the optimal location to best prepare me for distinguished service in my area. As a Arab woman, I am keenly aware of the vast need for improvement of diet in Arab societies and I feel that it is here, in the promotion of health and nutrition awareness in Arab educational institutions that I will be able to make the greatest contribution that I possibly can to society.

PHD Public Health Nutrition Personal  Statement
PHD Public Health Nutrition Personal Purpose Statement

The greatest challenge of my life will be to deliver the right message in the proper way. Especially in the Arab world, diet is fraught with great complexity, especially religious but also economic, presenting formidable challenges to the specialist in public health education. I see the education of mothers to be an especially critical aspect of this challenge and the issue of infant nutrition is something that I very much look forward to having the privilege of studying in depth at some point in my career. Among the many things that I hope to learn in your program are the best ways to go about delivering messages to the public concerning the need for educational reform and progress, and how that progressive reform can most effectively be implemented and sustained. Looking forward to long and highly profitable collaborations with professional researchers in the area of nutrition, I see your program as a way to build upon my education to date in the most effective way for my continued professional enhancement and contribution to society.

PHD Public Health Nutrition Personal  Statement
PHD Public Health Nutrition Personal Purpose Statement

Turning my attention full time to the subject of education in your program will build upon my academic background not only in Public Health and Nutrition on the graduate level, but also my undergraduate degree in Community Health and the enormous amount of relevant and important information that I have been learning through an internship here at with the Department of Nutrition at ____.

I am especially interested in doing graduate work in the area of raising public health awareness through public education programs. I hope to attain the Ph.D. Degree in your program because this will prepare me for the achievement of my long term goals to not only work with health facilities or institutions, but also to have the privilege of teaching advanced students in this area. I also look forward to using my native language, Arabic, on a professional level in the future and have already done so with one of my rotations as I helped to write educational nutrition materials for the Arabic population here in the Cleveland area.

I have been devote do the study of English for many years and I am functioning quite well in my Master's Program which is ranked number one in the nation in Nutrition. I also took an intensive course in ESL for three months in San Francisco before beginning my studies at the university. Also, I had already become accustomed to working in English back in my native Saudi Arabia since the hospital that I worked at as a dietician used English as the formal or institutional language. Furthermore, in addition to public health and nutrition, I have also taken classes on the graduate level in the areas of sociology as well as public policy, which I have found to be highly relevant for my professional progress.

I have also done volunteer work in Saudi Arabia, as a dietitian promoting public health consciousness as well as supervising new dietitians and interns as part of my job with the National Guard Office of Health Affairs. The greatest contribution that I might be able to make to society would be to spend the rest of my life laboring diligently to enhance the quality and diffusion of our knowledge about the health challenges that we face, raising awareness about nutrition and its importance for addressing public health issues, helping people to understand the need for permanent lifestyle changes in order to preserve good health through a long and productive life.

Thank you for considering my application.

PHD Public Health Nutrition Personal Purpose Statement

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