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PHD Public Health Management Personal Purpose Statement

Updated: Mar 13

My country, Ghana, is making impressive efforts to improve a currently unsatisfactory and extremely basic public health care system. My goal in making this application is to acquire the skills and knowledge to enable me to manage a governmental public health agency in Ghana and thus make a significant contribution to an improvement in public health. I have carefully researched the available programs and conclude that yours will provide the expertise, challenges and support that will equip me to attain my goals.

PHD Public Health Management Personal  Statement
PHD Public Health Management Personal Purpose Statement

My background is not a conventional one for doctoral study in this specialty. Much of my career has been spent in retail pharmacy and I hold an MBA. My work to date has provided the degree of satisfaction and reward that I initially sought from a career. However, over the years that I have been a pharmacist, I have noted the gradual expansion of my duties to encompass preventative care and other aspects of public health efforts to improve outcomes and care quality.

I have developed a special interest in these matters which I have studied informally by wide reading of relevant journals, texts, sources of healthcare related statistics and by seeking information from other professionals in relevant fields. I now seek to convert this informal, but deep, interest into a formal academic qualification so that I can provide ‘cutting edge’ management, statistical and research skills in this specialty to ‘make a significant difference’. I also seek to acquire the leadership and training skills to enable me to help many others too to assist in the improving the health of Ghana’s citizens.

PHD Public Health Management Personal  Statement
PHD Public Health Management Personal Purpose Statement Samples

I have been a Pharmacist Preceptor for five years and, in this role, I have responsibilities for training and mentoring new pharmacists and ancillary staff. I have also led a Cardiovascular and Diabetic Education Workshop for my Ghanaian community for two years. I enjoy passing on my knowledge, skills and enthusiasm to others and providing direct preventative health education. I relate easily to people and have a well-developed sense of humor. I enjoy working in, and leading teams, but am also capable of working alone when a situation requires it.

I undertook successful research during my MBA studies and would not be applying for a doctoral program without having the confidence to state that I have the characteristics of an excellent researcher and have demonstrated these in my master's program.

PHD Public Health Management Personal  Statement
PHD Public Health Management Personal Purpose Statement Editor

I have not traveled widely but have lived in the UK and US and spent time in a student exchange in Sweden. I enjoy learning about other cultures and sharing knowledge of my own and look forward to the opportunity to do so in my time at XXXX University.

I know that there will be many professionally qualified applicants for doctoral studies at the Center. However, I do feel that I am an excellent candidate. I have worked at the ‘front line’ in healthcare for many years and have a practical and patient centered approach to it rather than one that is purely academic and feel that this has equipped me with essential insights when dealing with the ‘big picture’; I have training and health education experience; and I am an experienced researcher. My main recommendation is a genuine passion to improve the health of my compatriots and to equip others to do so.

PHD Public Health Management Personal Purpose Statement

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