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PharmD Personal Purpose in Pharmacy Indian American

Updated: Jun 28

I have long been especially close to my father, a pediatrician, and I grew up observing him healing children. Always having been mesmerized by the power of medicine, especially its psychological power, social impact, and ability to save lives; at 27, I am now at the optimal point in life to make a firm, lifelong commitment to pharmacy.

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PharmD Personal Purpose in Pharmacy Writing Help

I live in Chicago, and XXXX University is a natural, first choice for me. I am extremely excited about all aspects of pharmacy, theoretical, practical, clinical, pharmacy and society, etc. Someday, I especially look forward to helping to make medicine more accessible to those who need it most. I am a very dedicated and hard-working person, serious, focused, and determined to go that extra mile to fulfill my aspirations. If admitted to your program, I will be among the most diligent of students. I am an avid reader concerning all aspects of health care systems.

PharmD Personal in Pharmacy Examples
PharmD Personal Purpose in Pharmacy Indian American Sample

Being Indian is an important part of my identity. And even though I grew up in Illinois, I wish to return to India someday to help make medicine more accessible for people, finding creative and novel ways to do so. I have worked as a pharmacy technician for the past three years, balancing this job with my full-time position as a computer engineer, and taking prerequisite course work towards pharmacy school.

PharmD Personal in Pharmacy Writing Service
PharmD Personal Purpose in Pharmacy Sample

I am especially pleased with the contributions that I have been able to make to expand our patient base at the

pharmacy. I have learned how to manage

my time wisely and I think that my background in engineering may help me to make important contributions to the field of pharmacy.

I ask for your assistance in helping me discover how I can best adapt my talents and interests to the goal of contributing to pharmacy in the developing world. Thank you for your consideration of my application.

PharmD Personal Purpose in Pharmacy Indian American


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