My professional interests, dreams, and aspirations are a perfect fit with the principal focus of your distinguished online program. I have found no other program that compares with the rigors of your MS Program in Health Care Administration at XXU. I feel strongly that completing your program will make me a much better communicator as well as a creative thinker concerning the progressive improvement of health care institutions.

What I enjoy most about health care is relationship building, the opportunity to serve as a leader on behalf of an organization, enhancing my professionalism and understanding of the needs of our health care systems. I see your online program at XXU as the cutting-edge of its field, in particular, because of your close attention to basic business principles that go way beyond human resource management along with organizational dynamics and governance. I particularly admire and feel most excited about your core attention to strategic planning and marketing. In particular, I look forward to a complete immersion not only in all of these areas but I hope to develop a special focus in the areas of quality improvement and information management.
I have been working as a dedicated health care professional since completing my undergraduate studies at XXU, a private liberal arts college in Little Rock, Arkansas. I particularly enjoyed mentoring entering students and working on social service projects along with several fraternities. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, in particular, I spent a lot of time coordinating relief projects with church and community leaders. I have also been heavily involved in support of breast cancer victims, AIDS awareness, and homeless outreach. I feel strongly that all of these volunteer experiences are most helpful in preparation for grad school in health administration.

I completed my internship in the Spring of 2006 with the XXXX Drug Treatment Center in XXXX, where I gained invaluable experience in documentation as well as patient observation, assisting program directors and staff with various activities and group projects. As a result of this experience, I feel that I have a much better grasp on how non-profit organizations work. After returning to the Bay Area, I accepted a position with XXXX Hospital working as a mental health technician. In this position I have found my voice as professional and I have had a chance to develop my leadership skills. The relationships I developed with administrators and management also helped to inspire me to pursue graduate study in health care administration.

Next, I learned a great deal through my position as a mental health counselor with the XXXX Hospital of Behavioral Health where I had the chance to conduct therapeutic group sessions and provide patient education. I very much enjoy working to foster patient independence and promote healthy and safe environments for my patients. In this position I have also had the opportunity to reflect at length concerning the many important ethical issues in my field, particularly with respect to questions of direction towards quality improvement.
The consistent fulfillment that I experience as a healthcare worker and volunteer has led me to seek advanced training in my field for professional service. My short term goal, after completing your distinguished program, is to move into a position of administrative leadership within a healthcare organization in my community. My long term goal is to serve as a manager for a government agency, working to streamline the provision of healthcare services in America.
I thank you for considering my application to your program.
MS Health Administration Statement of Purpose Examples