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MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose Statement

Updated: Jun 14

I have earned a great deal through maturity, finding deep inside myself a rich context of finely honed professional skills built upon solid experience. Graduate studies in public administration, for me, is the fruition of my creative, interdisciplinary experience geared towards my professional advancement.

MPA Public Administration Personal Statement
MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose Statement

I was born and raised in Central Taiwan, complementing my undergraduate degree at Hung Kuang Nursing College by also earning the Bachelor of Public Administration Degree (1992-1995). My first choice for graduate study is at the University of XXXX. I have lived here in Ontario, Canada now for many years and it is my new country that I have come to love. I am looking forward to contributing to the elevated level of diversity among the graduate students in your program.

Since I have the deepest respect and admiration for the Public Administration Program at XXXX University, it does not seem appropriate for me to apply anywhere else. I have always followed my heart and I trust that this is by far the best choice that I could make. My greatest gift in life is my profound compassion for others. I am a very tender and caring woman who bleeds for those around me who are in distress or in need of assistance and I long increasingly to turn my passion to the pursuit of academic excellence.

MPA Public Administration Personal  Statement
MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose Statement

I am especially interested in doing graduate work in Public Policy, especially Health Policy, by obtaining a state-of-the-art graduate education in this area and receiving my M.A. Degree in Public Administration. 10 years from now I would like to be working for an organization where I could have direct input on policy decisions. For me, the principal attraction of a career in public administration is that it will allow me to play highly active and creative roles as a member of teams that build a new future for our society and generations to come.

I am fluent in Mandarin as well as English. Since I lived in Montreal for two years, I also took full advantage of the opportunity to learn French. My language skills give me something important to contribute to a Public Administration Program and I ask that you take them into consideration in the evaluation of my application for both admission and financial aid. My professional credentials are also bolstered by seven years of work experience in nursing. I am a person of diverse interests and I have also benefited professionally from my employment experiences outside of the area of Health Care.

MPA Public Administration Personal Statement
MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose Statement

Recently, for example, I worked for the Canada Revenue Agency as a Testing Clerk for 5 months. I have enormous enthusiasm for the cause of public service, helping to resolve numerous, complicated health care issues that surround our chronic, global wide shortage of healthcare workers. I am a cosmopolitan woman that has traveled frequently to Australia, Singapore, and China and I completed my bachelor's degree here in America in 1996 in Arizona. Over the years, I have come to appreciate the way that public policy, economics, and social issues all come together to play pivotal roles in the formation of public policy.

Thank you for your consideration of my application.

MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose Statement


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