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Personal Statement Masters Behavior Analysis Cuban

Updated: Jun 27, 2024

Masters Analysis Cuban Statement of Purpose
Masters Behavior Analysis Cuban Personal Statement Sample

A bilingual, Cuban woman who was raised in Miami, English has long been my first language while Spanish remains very dear to my heart. I hope to earn the Master of Arts in Professional Behavior Analysis (MBA) at ____ University so that I will be able to advance professionally and make the fullest possible contribution to my field. Currently a Board-Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA), I aspire to become a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).

Masters Analysis Cuban
Masters Behavior Analysis Cuban

Now 24 years old, I have recent, relevant professional experience since, along with

earning my BA in Psychology at XXXX University, I spent over a year working for XXU’s Early Intensive Behavior Intervention Program, providing care, therapy, and love for Autistic and developmentally disabled children from 18 months to 5 years old. At our summer camp, I received practicum training and supervision along with the opportunity to grow on both personal and professional levels. I hope to excel in your program primarily because of my great passion for the care and education of developmentally disabled children.

Masters Analysis Cuban
Masters Behavior Analysis Cuban

Your program at XXXX is my first choice for

graduate school because I want to earn my Masters in Behavior Analysis rather than Psychology. I also appreciate the flexibility of your online program which will enable me to gain additional hands-on experience while I complete my degree. I like the fact that I can watch the online lectures and complete the coursework at my own pace; yet, I still have the structure of weekly deadlines that will keep me on track. Finally, I could not be more excited about the prospect of completing your "in-residence" component at one of your "hybrid host sites" where I would receive practicum supervision and complete a Capstone Project.

Personal Statement Masters Behavior Analysis Cuban


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