I am a young man who was born in Romania and raised in Queens N.Y. I want very much to become a fully accredited professional in speech pathology because this is where my highest calling in life lies. This is why I studied toward and completed by the way in which speech impediments often seem to go hand-in hand with being a member of an under-privileged group in society, especially an ethnic minority, and I look forward to being able to help these individuals succeed in life by overcoming this special difficulty that they have in communicating with others. My own status as someone who was born outside of the United States undoubtedly contributes to my appreciation for cultural diversity and my especially sympathetic interest to the plight of some of the most vulnerable members of ethnic minorities.

I see the Graduate Program at XXXX University as representing a unique opportunity for me to embark on a crucial new professional chapter in my life and be able to optimally prepare myself for a career with the enormous satisfaction that accompanies service to others, helping them overcome debilitating problems that stand in the way of a fully productive and satisfying interaction with others on personal and community levels.

XXXX University is the only school to which I am applying because the program is the best fit for my interests, elevated level of
motivation, and the development of my potential contribution to society. I am especially attracted to the program at XXXX's because of its interdisciplinary structure and the way that it offers graduate students an opportunity to select areas of study that meet the requirements for ASHA Certification. I am also attracted to the resources that are available, such as the Health Education Resource Center, Speech and Hearing Center, and opportunities for externships.

I look forward to receiving the required certification by the ASHA because of attending your program and I plan to develop a special expertise in child language. I want to work in a grade school that is made up of children from at-risk families because it is here that I will be able to make my greatest contribution to society.
I want to help children already at risk because of the demographics and dynamics of their family setting, who also face special challenges with speech. By developing a special focus in this area, I look forward to many decades of highly satisfying service to these precious, innocent, little ones who are our future. I hope to prepare myself for making a profound difference in the lives of those who need me most. At 16, I volunteered at a Senior Citizen Center in Queens and met a lot of war veterans with speech problems caused by stress, injury, or a combination of the two. I did my best to try to help them and still visit one of them on a weekly basis.
My friend Markus, who lost a sizable chunk of his soul in Vietnam, has improved his ability to speak and socialize, and his war stories are now a lot more dramatic and articulate. It has been very gratifying for me to have helped him to have a better life and he has helped me to grow and learn the great rewards of sharing. I am a very dedicated and committed person and ask for the opportunity to give my all to your program.
Thank you for considering my application.
MA Master's SLP Personal Purpose Statement