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Immigrant Medical School Personal Statement Example

Updated: 1 day ago

I wish to study medicine to obtain the skills and knowledge I need to become a physician, contributing to a redistribution of access to medical resources for the underserved.  As a child of Vietnamese parents who immigrated to America when I was nine years old, I learned the value of healthcare early on. My father had been interned in a communist labor camp for eight years as punishment for his military service to the South Vietnamese government. These eight long years of malnutrition and mistreatment took a significant toll. Not long after arriving in the USA, he suffered a stroke resulting from atrial fibrillation. After that, he could not work to support his family in America - which had been his dream all along. My being selected for a spot in your medical school class would be a wonderful tribute to his memory.

Once in America, I quickly became the only family member fluent in English. I soon became especially intimately acquainted with medical vocabulary as I accompanied my dad on his appointments, serving as his interpreter. These experiences had a formative influence on my decision to pursue medicine. I gravitated toward Biology and Chemistry during high school with my eye on Medical School. Completing my BS in Biology at the University of XXXX, I gained a holistic understanding of the body as the sum of its parts. My electives in microbial, human, and exercise physiology were also highly inspirational for choosing medicine as a career.

Professional Personal Statement of Purpose Editing and Writing Service Examples
Immigrant Medical School Personal Statement

I volunteered in the Surgery Department of the XXXX Hospital of XXXX (2016 - 2018), where my duties included conveying discharged patients to their transportation, assisting nurses in moving patients to another care unit, and answering and relaying patients' needs from the call system to nursing and PCT staff. I especially enjoyed getting to know the patients and bringing them food, drinks, and blankets. This helped me become familiar with hospitals as a working environment, including procedural and medical terminologies.

Volunteering has also reinforced my intuitive understanding of the issues faced by immigrants and minorities in our healthcare systems, particularly concerning diversity and inclusion. XXXX Hospital emphasizes the challenges faced by immigrants from Latin America when seeking treatment, culture, and especially language and communication barriers. Another reason I have become more confident and highly motivated to become a doctor is because I now regard my past as something to be proud of because it gives me the strength and understanding to help the underserved.

Professional Personal Statement of Purpose Editing and Writing Service Examples
Immigrant Medical School Personal Statement

I am passionate about nurturing relationships with patients by taking the time to listen to their concerns. Indeed, my idea of 'holistic' healthcare presumes that health issues cannot be treated in isolation. I also see it as especially important to inspire patients to communicate with their doctor, seeking to cultivate the patients' sense of self-worth and empowering them to advocate for themselves. This is especially true concerning many immigrants and members of minority groups who are often unfamiliar with how the system works.

I respectfully ask for the opportunity to give my all to your Medical School program, and I thank you for considering my application.

Immigrant Medical School Personal Statement Example

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