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BS in Finance Personal Statement Consulting Firm Sample

Updated: Jul 9

BS in Finance Personal
BS in Finance Personal Statement for Consulting Firm

I am genuinely excited about my future as a Finance major. From an early age, my mother was my role model and mentor. She managed a real estate company and introduced me to the rudiments of investment, sharing her business experiences with me and giving me a working knowledge of finance. What began as a dream, imagining myself in an exciting world that would stimulate my mind, turned into ambition as I helped in the family business, laying the necessary foundation for my future in business and finance. Indeed, from the time I was in middle school, I have kept my eye firmly on end in business and finance. As a result of a lot of arduous work, I got into the most exemplary High School in Dalian, China, my hometown. Dalian is a model city in China, but it is so much more than just a beautiful city. It exemplifies what careful planning, ambition, and focus can accomplish. Immersed in Dalian's aspiring culture was infectious, and I am proud to have grown up there.

BS in Finance Personal
BS in Finance Personal Statement for Consulting Firm

Completing half of my high school education in China and half in America has impressed upon me the value of quality education. So, I gave everything I had and practiced my English as much as possible. English is the business world language, even in China, where business is the backbone of the Chinese economy. China has one of the fastest growing economies in the world and needs robust, focused, and visionary business leaders. I aim to fill this need, completing my BS and MBA, focusing on real estate and other areas of investment, and going on to work in a multinational capacity. I have seen firsthand how existing Chinese business practices are being forced to adapt or become outdated, absorbed by progress. I anticipate becoming involved in the continued growth of the Chinese business world. Coming to America has been a significant investment in my future, making my academic foundation much more prosperous and bringing my professional dreams in finance to fruition.

BS in Finance Personal
BS in Finance Personal Statement for Consulting Firm

Living, working, and being educated on two continents has expanded my worldview and my ability to speak two languages with complete competency, interacting effectively with people of many diverse backgrounds, cultures, and creeds. I have traveled throughout China, Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan, Hong Kong, and Japan. This will prove invaluable since I see my professional future serving in a multinational business environment.

Ambition and drive are the two dominant elements of a successful businessperson. I embody both traits, and my academic record of accomplishment is indicative of this. Throughout my academic career, I have challenged myself and pushed myself to be the best student possible. I have no fear of public speaking, despite English not being my mother language. My confidence comes from my certainty that I have done all I can to grasp, digest and apply course material. Math is more than an aptitude since I genuinely love the subject. And academic challenges are personal challenges for me, like completing a 2-year program in 18 months, six months less than students who speak English as a first language and completing four classes in a six-week winter semester, achieving a perfect GPA at the same time. When academic outlines are laid out, I know what I must do, they become my personal goals, and I consistently achieve them.

To be successful in business, there is a need for healthy competition. Competition ensures your business future and that of others around you; it is how economic entities evolve and grow.; Even in my leisure time playing sports, I am a competitive and well-rounded player. While it is all wholesome fun and keeps my body healthy, I always play to win; it is in my nature and is who I am, and I make no apologies. My skill in soccer alone opened the door to the finest high school in my hometown. I fully intend on keeping this aspect of my life alive, managing my time as I always have between academics and my sports life.

I owe my family, my love of business, and growing up with my mother as my role model, an ambitious, mold-breaking, successful woman. I have received many gifts from my parents, an analytical mind, a sense of responsibility, and a sense of where I want to go. My parents' sacrifices for my future will never be in vain. In truth, thanks to my mother's example, I see that I can make significant contributions to society. And by developing my family's business, I can put my dreams into action.

BS in Finance Personal Statement Consulting Firm sample


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