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Preventive Medicine for Family Care Residency, Immigrant

Updated: May 1

I look forward to contributing to the diversity of your program as a woman doctor from Turkey who is most devoted to Family Medicine. Passionate about every aspect of my field, I am eager to serve on the front lines of medical attention in these trying, tough times for all of us, because of a variety of threats to public health in general, climate change, for example, but especially COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. I adore the diversity of Family Medicine and look forward to being remembered in your program as an incredibly devoted and hard-working doctor who gave all to the patients and their families in greatest need.

I arrived in America 3 years ago, especially weak in my ability to speak and understand English. Thus, I became certified as both a Nurse Assistant and a Patient Care Technician to pay the bills while becoming familiar with the healthcare system and making steady progress with my English. It has been a great struggle, especially as concerns English. I am convinced that I failed Step 2 CS of the USMLEs for this reason. Now, however, I have passed not only Step 32 but also Step 3.

Preventive Medicine for Family Care, FM Residency, Family Medicine , Immigrant Doctor from Turkey
Preventive Medicine for Family Care, FM Residency, Family Medicine Personal Statement

I was lucky to discover my passion in life while I was still a child when I fell seriously ill, and my parents took me to the hospital. I was burning up with a fever and swollen lymph nodes in my neck, and I was in a great deal of pain. Nevertheless, it was mesmerizing, especially as I began to recover and my pain subsided; for a most impressionable little girl, the extraordinary atmosphere and smell, the magnitude and significance of it all. I was stunned by the female family doctor in her white coat. With her magical touch, she not only healed me, but she touched my whole family and changed us for good. Since then, my direction in life has been medicine; my passion and dedication cultivated at each step based on this early beginning. This goes a long way to explain why I have seen Family Medicine as my destiny for a long time.

Medical school was the only career track I considered as a young woman growing up in Turkey. Many of the happiest days of my life as a medical student were spent in the village where I grew up during summer breaks. Most of the elderly were suffering from chronic ailments such as diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, etc. One of them was my grandfather, who had diabetes. His biggest dream was to one day come to my clinic. However, he died in his sleep from a heart attack when I was in the fifth year of medical school. These early childhood experiences growing up in this village, the people's ailments, would go on to chart the course that my life would take.

Unable to save my grandpa, I gravitated toward helping others and dedicated myself to the battle against diabetes and related disorders. Learning many of the secrets of pathophysiology, reaching the diagnosis by putting the puzzle pieces together, and subsequently providing the best possible care. The emotional connection with the all-important family unit, treating the medical conditions of families since they are all involved when a family member falls ill, can often be a great asset in attaining a full and smooth recovery.

Preventive Medicine for Family Care, FM Residency, Family Medicine , Immigrant Doctor from Turkey
Preventive Medicine for Family Care, FM Residency, Family Medicine Personal Statement Examples

During my residency in Turkey, I worked in many different clinical environments: outpatient clinics, inpatient wards, and ICUs learning something new from each patient. Next, I began working in a rural hospital and soon discovered that the number of patients fighting chronic diseases due to unhealthy lifestyle choices was overwhelming. I got a chance to make closer relationships with my patients and their families. Understanding the life dynamics underneath their diseases gave me clues as to the most effective approaches for treating them. I want to continue to make progress in holistically seeing my patients. I seek to provide excellent family and community-centered care, maximizing my contribution to the health of society. I want to engage with preventive medicine for family care since I see it as having the most significant potential for the long term.

Perseverant and determined, my endless curiosity leads me towards discovery; I am a woman doctor from Turkey who takes pride in her ability to simultaneously follow directions from superiors while I think creatively about the practice of medicine, mainly where I see room for improvement. I came to the USA in my forties with two small children because it had long been my dream, and I am tenacious in pursuing my profession. Always being anxious to learn is part of my personality and character. I find team-based learning to hold promise. I also take great care to see each patient as an individual with a unique story, health care needs, and concerns.

I am incredibly excited about becoming involved in research, and I find simulation laboratories particularly intriguing. XXXX Medical Center in NJ is perfect for my family. Having lived not far away from XXXX, in Maryland, for three years already, I am settled in with my family and ready for a smooth transition, hitting the ground running in your program. I love the diversity of XXXX Medical Center, patients, and professionals, and I am eager to join your team.

Thank you for considering my application to join your team in Family Medicine.

Preventive Medicine for Family Care Residency


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