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Biochemistry PHD Personal Statement

Updated: Sep 4

For me, the most incredible excitement in life is tackling a problem or issue in the life sciences and solving it by applying scientific principles and techniques. Since I was incredibly young, I have cultivated a single-minded devotion to this field of study in preparation for my career as a scientist, dedicating my life to saving the lives of others. I am primarily devoted to the battle against cancer and hepatitis. I want to pursue a Ph.D. at XXXX because it is the finest program in the world.

I am confident that I am a strong candidate for your program because I have completed two years of full-time research as a Research Technologist at XXU. Throughout this period, I have become a highly competent researcher with exceptional laboratory skills. I began working in the lab of Dr. XXXX, performing several techniques such as ELISA, and protein purification, primarily measuring the serum antigen and antibody responses of woodchucks in our investigations of this animal model of Hepatitis B infection. Using similar techniques, I also measured antibody responses in mice and rabbits with the goal of achieving successful immunization against woodchuck virus antigens. My experience with Dr. XXXX´s lab has helped me to master self-discipline, focus, concentration, and the patience required to excel in scientific research. I have also had the enormous privilege of working with the research group in the cancer laboratory of Dr. XXXX, investigating the “Effects of Dietary/Nutrition Components on the Programming of Mammary Gland Developments and its Effects on Breast Cancer Susceptibility.” I find exceptional fulfillment in working towards this cause and mastering the appropriate techniques, such as those involved with Immunohistochemistry, Genotyping, ELISA, and the handling of live mice. I have become adept at working as part of a team and learned the profound importance of the exchange of scientific ideas, questioning, and communication that is required for innovative research.

PHD Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Fighting Cancer, Indian
Sample Personal Statement of Purpose Ph.D. Biochemistry

I gained invaluable experience as a master's student working in several labs at Georgetown University devoted to studying skin cancer, breast cancer, and Hepatitis B. I did my summer internship at XXXX University under the guidance of Dr. Cynthia Rosenthal, working on “ID3 protein expression in immortalized squamous cells and carcinoma cells, as well as UVB irradiation and its influence on the apoptosis of cells.” I especially enjoyed comparing UVB effects on the expression of ID3 in different cell types (primary HFK, malignant & immortalized) and the overall effects on tumor progression in vivo by using immune-compromised mice for our model system. This experience helped me to become even more comfortable in the laboratory environment and further strengthened my interest in scientific research. Furthermore, I became acquainted with a variety of related areas of research by working as a part-time research technician for other laboratories at XXXX.

PHD Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Fighting Cancer, Indian
Personal Statement of Purpose Ph.D. Biochemistry Examples

Before coming to America from my native India, I completed my undergraduate studies at the P.B Siddhartha College in India, which provided me with a strong background in the fundamentals of Biochemistry, Microbiology & Chemistry, and a profound motivation to pursue these fields as a career. Next, I earned my MSc Degree from XXXX University and had the privilege of serving as an intern at some of India's most prestigious labs such as the IICT and the BARC. In addition to developing a solid foundation in biochemistry, microbiology, and cell & molecular biology, I became highly competent in bioprocess and fermentation technology, protein and genetic engineering, research methodologies, bioinformatics, enzyme technology, and biostatistics. I was able to hone my sense of teamwork finely and had the privilege of presenting numerous papers. Throughout the course of my studies in both India and the United States, I have also supplemented the knowledge and research skills that I have gained through coursework and laboratory experience by attending a variety of seminars and symposiums conducted at different venues on different topics.

When I began my master's Program at XXXX, I felt that I had been reborn to a much higher level of existence. Indian laboratories cannot afford the state-of-the-art equipment and facilities that I have enjoyed at XXU and XXU, adding enormously to my sense of privilege. In this program, in addition to the areas already mentioned, I was able to learn a great deal about intellectual property, regulatory affairs, manufacturing practices, and the entrepreneurial face of biotechnology. Thus, I feel as if my entire adult life has been geared towards preparing me for entering a Ph.D. program and becoming a world-class scientist. Upon completing your program, I hope to serve in a postdoctoral position, which will further prepare me for a lifetime of research and teaching.

I see myself primarily as a soldier in the battle of life against death. Cancer consumes me because it is consuming my species. I will not rest until I draw my final breath. I thank you for your consideration of my application to your Ph.D. Biochemistry Program.

Biochemistry PHD Personal Statement


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