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PharmD Personal Purpose Statement Sample

Updated: Jun 14

I was determined from an early age to try to ‘make a difference’ rather than just ‘make a living’ being fortunate in having parents who regarded service to others not as an option but a necessity in life. I excelled in chemistry at school and developed a genuine love of the subject. I am also an outgoing person who finds great satisfaction in helping those around me. Pharmacy provides me with an ideal way to apply my aptitude and characteristics in directly helping others in a variety of ways.

PharmD Personal  Statement Sample
PharmD Personal Purpose Statement Sample

I am currently a full-time undergraduate student at XXXX University having been awarded the Presidential Scholarship. I am majoring in Pre-Pharmacy and expect to graduate in 2018. My academic record, both at high school and in my undergraduate career to date, is excellent as the award of the scholarship and my grades and awards will testify.

I am incredibly contented living and studying at UXX and particularly appreciate its Christian based ethos, its excellent laboratories and facilities and the generous ratio of faculty members to students and, of course, their high caliber and accessibility. I am an active member of the college Bible Study Group and play on an intramural dodge ball team. I was appointed to be Resident Advisor on XXXX Dorm whilst still a sophomore and feel very honored to have been chosen.

PharmD Personal Statement Sample
PharmD Personal Purpose Statement

I grew up in various locations in North Carolina and my ambition is to work in one of the underserved counties in that state to enhance people’s health and the quality of their lives. My father was a member of the US Air Force and consequently we moved home regularly. This background has provided me with the ability to adapt quickly to new situations and people and I am used to interacting happily with people of many cultural and social backgrounds.  

My membership of the Scouting movement taught me much about relating well to others, being tolerant, cooperating, constructive teamwork and working hard to achieve personal and joint goals. I also enjoyed assisting in the training of junior members and found great satisfaction in helping scouts convert their potential into solid achievements. I achieved the rank of Eagle Scout which I believe is an indication of a high degree of personal development, determination, and diligence. I have worked as a volunteer in a soup kitchen for homeless people and am a church youth leader.

PharmD Personal  Statement Sample
PharmD Personal Purpose Statement Samples

I have a favorite Bible verse that I believe provides the best possible health advice and seems to apply well to my career choice – "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price.  Therefore, honor God with your bodies" 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20. When so much unhappiness today is linked to substance abuse, this seems to me very modern and apt.

I am attracted to pharmacy because it involves direct patient contact and a high degree of autonomy. I am aware that the pharmacist is often the ‘first port of call’ when medical problems arise, and this fact confers heavy responsibilities in ensuring that appropriate action is identified, and advice provided. I am excited at the prospect of joining a profession in which so many exciting and life enhancing advances are made so frequently. Working as a volunteer in the pharmacy of a local hospital brought home to me the fact that the pharmacy profession is directly and significantly affected by the aging of the population.

I enjoy interacting with the aged and look forward to the chance to be of direct help to them in my future career. I have observed that people from eastern cultures treat the aged with exceptional gentleness and consideration without in any way patronizing them, as someone born and raised in the US, I have drawn lessons from such observations which I intend to apply in my career.

I look forward to assisting in research during the program and am particularly interested in the development of chemotherapy medications. This interest was fired by the diagnosis of a rare bone cancer in a close family friend who is 12 years old and currently under treatment.

I am aware that the best Pharmacy programs attract high numbers of first-class candidates. However, I possess and have demonstrated the aptitude, diligence, basic skills, and firmly instilled personal characteristics required of an excellent pharmacist.

Thank you for considering my application.

PharmD Personal Purpose Statement Sample


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