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MPA Personal Purpose Statement Public Non-Profit Management

Updated: Jun 4

My career and academic choices to date may not make me a typical candidate for this program, however my career path arose because of an urgent need to provide financial assistance to my family in Ghana and I now wish to change the course of my life to ‘make a difference’ rather than just make a living.

MPA Personal  Statement Public Non-Profit Management
MPA Personal Purpose Statement Public Non-Profit Management

My desire to study towards the MPA degree arises because, unlike I suppose the majority of candidates, I have witnessed at first hand the devastating effects of poorly organized, funded and corrupt public services in my home country and I have had a strong and growing desire to play, even if only a small part, in improving the situation that detrimentally affects the daily lives of so many of my countrymen and women. I see the program as being a springboard to meeting this ardent ambition. I seek entry to the ‘Public and Non –Profit Management’ track of the program.

It is my hope to be admitted to the program to acquire the higher skills and knowledge that will enable me to return to Ghana and enter government service and thereafter to do my part in improving administration and the training and development of others working in the public service.

I am aware that I cannot single-handedly change a culture of indifference and corruption, but I aim to be one of the catalysts to changes in culture, attitudes, and behavior. I would seek to serve in the field of child protection, which appears to me to be an area which is vital to the country’s future but is not currently a matter of government priority. This is an area in which I might make a difference for the maximum benefit of others. Having worked in an ‘orphan outreach program’ in Ghana, I have some knowledge of the depth of problems in this area.

The other alternative is to find employment in an effective NGO and seek to make a difference to the system by working outside it. The problems in Ghana can hardly be over-stated as indicated by poor infant mortality, literacy rates and life expectancy, among other measures. I am realistic enough to understand that a great deal of work by many determined, intelligent and hard-working people over many years will be required to ‘turn things around’ but I wish to play my part in doing so.

MPA Personal  Statement Public Non-Profit Management
MPA Personal Purpose Statement Public Non-Profit Management

I hope to assist in research related to child protection, by comparing the relative effectiveness of methods applied in different countries. The skills acquired and developed in my working life have direct relevance to the demands of any academic program and particularly to successful research. I am a successful financial advisor, and this success is derived from first class analytical skills, an ability to elicit the trust and confidence of clients and colleagues and in demonstrating excellent communication skills. The pressures involved in my average working day call on abilities to prioritize and multi-task effectively. Most importantly, I have a genuine interest in providing maximum benefit to my clients and I see this as a key characteristic in a first-class public servant.

I have happily worked, studied, served, and socialized with people from many cultural and social backgrounds. I enjoy meeting new people and sharing experiences and cultural knowledge and I have a well-developed sense of humor. I look forward to interacting with students and faculty who share my enthusiasm and passion for this area of study. My atypical background, together with my experience of living and working in an under-developed nation will enable me to bring unique insights to the program which I look forward to sharing.

MPA Personal  Statement Public Non-Profit Management
MPA Personal Purpose Statement Public Non-Profit Management

The program is an ‘ideal fit’ for my purposes. I know that the program has been developed over many years and has acquired a prestigious reputation. I know that I will be guided by a dedicated and highly qualified faculty. I am also attracted by the impressive breadth of the fields of study available. I am aware that the mix of technology based and traditional teaching methods that has been developed is highly effective and that employers highly seek the services of the program graduates.

I possess the necessary academic potential, knowledge base, characteristics, and the genuine passion for this field of study to enable me to ‘add value’ to the program. I assure the reader that I will bring a determination to excel and that I will apply myself diligently and enthusiastically for my own benefit, that of my fellow students, the faculty, and the children of Ghana.

Thank you for considering my application.

MPA Personal Purpose Statement Public Non-Profit Management

MPA Personal Purpose Statement Public
MPA Personal Purpose Statement Public Non-Profit Management
MPA Personal Purpose Statement Public
MPA Personal Purpose Statement Public Non-Profit Management

MPA Personal Purpose Statement Public
MPA Personal Purpose Statement Public Non-Profit Management


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