After graduating from the University of Science and Technology in my native Sudan in 2003, with a bachelor's degree in computer science, I moved to the USA in 2004. I am now a citizen, married, and I have been settled in Virginia since 2006. Still only thirty-one, I am at my optimal point to pursue graduate studies and I have the full emotional and economic support of my husband and the rest of my family. My long-term goals include working with organizations concerned with nutrition in Africa and to help them to develop educational materials in public health and clinical nutrition that are culturally appropriate and appealing.

Arabic is my first language and English my second. First, I attended XXXX Community College (NOVA), taking Computer Science as well as ESL classes. Soon, however, I became much more interested in facing what has been the greatest challenge by far of our married life: infertility issues. I am pleased to report that we won our battle; our daughter is now 17 months old. Most importantly, I feel confident that we owe this triumph primarily to our diet. Over the course of the several years prior to my pregnancy, I increasingly became obsessed with our failure, I threw myself into an intensive learning experience in fertility that I want very much to now make my professional direction for the future; because it is here that my greatest passion lies. Most of all, it is nutrition that has grabbed my professional attention and engagement, and I want to continue to pursue mysteries, revelations, and novel success stories as a professional working, researching, writing, and practicing at the intersection of nutrition and fertility.

I am a very diligent and organized student, independent, and highly motivated. This is why I feel highly confident that I have the key ingredients that are needed to excel in your online program. I want very much to devote my life to educating and advising people about the importance of good eating habits, how nutrition and diet influence their ability to concentrate, their growth, resistance to illnesses etc. My professional goal is to enjoy a long and productive career as a professional nutritionist. I enjoy nothing more than the struggle to increase public awareness concerning the way that most of our suffering from diseases is linked to food, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, infertility, and much more. This is why I would feel honored to serve my community by advising the public about food and creating suitable dietary information for diverse groups of people, based on numerous factors, income level, geographical location, ethnicity, language, etc.

I will always want to think of myself as a scientist and I keenly look forward to a full immersion in research as a student in your program. The best decision that I ever made was to return to XXXX and take a class in human nutrition. I did this primarily because I began to firmly suspect that here lay the root cause of our infertility. I have always enjoyed school. But it was not until I was studying nutrition at XXXX that I realized my true calling. My efforts were rewarded by an ‘A’. Our life changed for the better, my husband began to control his sugar naturally under the care of a nutritionist and acupuncturist. I lost 12 lb. in three months. By the fourth month I was pregnant.
I look forward to contributing to the diversity of your program as an Arab woman from Africa and as someone with first-hand experience of the Middle East, having lived in Qatar for 4 months and visiting Dubai.
Thank you for your consideration of my application to your distinguished program.
MS Clinical Nutrition Personal Purpose Statement