Earning my BS in Biology with a minor in Psychology at XXXX University has had significant repercussions in my life that I never foresaw, events that have placed my feet irrevocably on the path of Psychology and particularly Marriage and Family Counseling. Indeed, my academic foundation in Psychology not only aided me in my own life, but also, saved my parent's marriage. While my friends have always turned to me with their problems, commenting on my ability to help them see things more clearly, and bring a sense of calm to their assorted difficulties, seeing them work through their problems and get results is a source of immense personal and even spiritual satisfaction for me.

XXXX's graduate Counseling Psychology program is more than a logical choice for me, it is a natural choice given my sensibilities, abilities, and passion for helping others. Earning my MA in Counseling Psychology will enable me to make my ambitions, goals, and dreams a reality.

In terms of my academic goals, there are many factors to consider, and many situations to be prepared for in the clinical setting. Psychologists encounter patients that are from widely diverse backgrounds and cultures, and
they need to be prepared for this. Coming from an Iranian family, I was raised with one view of the world, but have also traveled to ten countries spread across four continents with my worldviews in constant evolution. I have immersed myself in American culture, walking more than a mile in the shoes of the immigrant, struggled with acculturation, ignorance, and am an amalgam of my dual experiences, having observed, and appreciated the myriad cultures that abound in this incredibly diverse nation.

I bring with me to the graduate program a solid academic foundation coupled with practical experiences within an Iranian orphanage and my ongoing sponsorship of a child foundation organization. In this age of ever-increasing divorce rates in the US, where broken homes are becoming statistically the norm, it is my aim to bring about sustainable change within communities, increasing people's awareness of the seriousness and commitment of a successful marriage, equipping families and couples with positive living resources.
It is my enthusiasm, dedication and critical thinking skills that have gotten me this far, and have led me to this moment, eager to succeed in the graduate program.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
MA Personal Purpose Counseling Psychology Editing